Organizational Team

What TTF?

Ivica Franeková ~ executive director

The position of executive director encompasses several levels - building, developing, and strengthening partnerships at the local, regional, and national levels. It requires many meetings, the ability to listen, and to seek solutions for both parties. During the festival, I move around on my bike from one place to another, so over those few festival days, I build up the stamina of a racehorse, become sun-kissed, smiling, and full of endorphins. For me, it's always about movement. I've been dancing since I was little, moving, learning new things, and teaching. My initial encounter with theatre was at the Žilina Puppet Theatre, not only as a spectator but also as a teenager with friends from the Makovice ensemble, which worked during our "puppetry" sessions, and where "my" Alternative Dance Theatre still operates. I got a taste of balletizol and my fascination with the floor, space, and touch has never left me. 

Lucia Mihálová ~ artistic director

I hold the position of artistic director, yet I am still unsure whether I control art or if art controls me. Sometimes, my work resembles my first acting experience from childhood: I participated in a school play "The Story from the Penholder" as a character of a rag, who perpetually had to save the situation by absorbing ink blots to make all words beautiful and understandable. During the times when I was still referred to as youth, I founded a theatre group called "Jednosmerka" with my friends, and although we eventually went our separate ways, I think theatre was significant for all of us. 

Adriána Lizoňová ~ production manager

As the festival's production manager, I am completely immersed in planning and executing every single detail. I coordinate, connect, manage, communicate... From author contracts to the shortage of sweets at the reception. I am fascinated by theatre for youth because of its innovativeness and themes that often provoke and provide important stimuli. My first encounter with theatre was purely accidental - instead of a dance class at the art school, I accidentally ended up in an acting class. Since then, I can't leave art alone... 

Jakub Molnár ~ dramaturg

As the festival's dramaturg, I ensure that you are amazed, unsettled, outraged, satisfied, and intellectually and emotionally satiated. In short, I help compose both the main and accompanying programs in a way that makes sense. My attitude toward theatre for youth could be classified as that of an older sibling to a younger one: I love it even when it spills orange juice on my new computer. Raised by amateur groups in various art schools, I constantly strive to fiercely defend my inner child. 

Juraj Bombala ~ technical director

The often-overlooked hero of every festival is the technical director. They hold a piece of magic and technology in one hand and a cup of coffee for survival in the other. My first encounter with theatre took place in a deep pit, more precisely in the orchestra pit, where I performed as a trumpet player with a youth orchestra. I consider theatre for youth to be a magical portal to the world of fantasy and adventure. 

Alena Predáčová ~ content creator

During the festival, I'll be your eyes for a moment, sharing the most interesting moments on social media. And to ensure you don't miss out on all the fantastic things you can experience and try during the festival days; I'll take care of adding fresh updates to the website and social networks. You're not following us yet? Don't even admit it! Reading has been my passion since childhood. From there, it's just a small step to wanting to see those stories come to life on stage. However, my love for theatre only began during college. But the theatre world found me, nonetheless. In the stories of characters, I seek answers and solutions to the problems and situations I encounter myself. 

Zuzana Havranová ~ creative designer

I’m an express creator of assignments of various scopes in the department of space and textile for the festival. Apart from that, I’m the head of the Manufacturing Workshops of Ján Palárik’s Theatre, set and costume designer with an open mind for creating anything theatrical from inception to realization. Most often, I find myself answering the question: ,,Zuzi, can we make this or that?”. Theatre should belong to the young. Without them, it simply won’t work. Theatre has captivated me fatefully three times – when I was six, fourteen and eighteen years old. I grew up at Theatrical Nitra festival, where I – as a proud teenage volunteer – saw everything that was different, new, European, global to me. Since then, I’m hopelessly charmed by the world of theatre

Barbora Martišková ~ offline marketing

My team role is to convert all the extraordinary things that are born behind the walls of the theatre onto a normal sheet of paper, which can attract your attention and awaken your interest. I focus on offline marketing, so my work won’t jump at you while scrolling social media, it will inconspicuously keep waiting for you at the most usual of places. I find theatre for youth quite fascinating, it reminds me of paper I work with at the beginning – clean, blank, malleable, fragile and valuable, yet despite its fragility being able to carry the burden of words, it’s unable to withstand the surrounding environment and its effects. I consider the chance to create a space for young people as a rare opportunity, because I myself have acted in a children theatre ensemble, which sparked my enthusiasm for theatre so much, I carry it to this day.

Ivica Franeková ~ výkonná riaditeľka


Pozícia výkonnej riaditeľky v sebe zahŕňa viacero rovín – budovanie, rozvíjanie a upevňovanie spoluprác s partnermi na miestnej, regionálnej i národnej úrovni. Chce to veľa stretnutí, schopnosť načúvať a hľadať riešenia pre obe strany. Počas festivalu trielim na bicykli z jedného miesta na druhé, takže za tých pár festivalových dní naberiem kondičku závodného koňa, budem opálená, usmiata a plná endorfínov. Pre mňa je to vlastne vždy o pohybe. Od mala tancujem, hýbem sa, učím sa novému a učím. Divadlo som si ochytala v žilinskom Bábkovom divadle nielen ako diváčka, ale aj ako teenagerka s kamošmi zo súboru Makovice, ktorý pri našom „bábkači“ fungoval, a kde stále pôsobí „moje“ Tanečné divadlo alternatív. Načuchla som k baletizolu a moja fascinácia podlahou, plochou a dotykom ma neopustila. 

Lucia Mihálová ~ umelecká riaditeľka



Zastávam pozíciu umeleckej riaditeľky, len si stále nie som istá, či riadim ja umenie alebo umenie riadi mňa. Moja práca niekedy vyzerá ako moja prvá herecká skúsenosť z detstva: Účinkovala som v školskom predstavení Príbeh z peračníka ako postava handričky, ktorá musela večne zachraňovať situáciu tým, že vpíjala atramentové machule, aby boli všetky slová krásne a zrozumiteľné. V časoch, keď som ešte bola označovaná ako mládež, som so svojimi kamarátmi založila súbor Jednosmerka a hoci sme sa nakoniec vydali každý iným smerom, myslím, že pre všetkých bolo divadlo smerodajné.

Adriána Lizoňová ~ produkcia



Ako produkčná festivalu som absolútne ponorená do plánovania a realizácie každého jedného detailu. Koordinujem, prepájam, riadim, komunikujem... Od autorských zmlúv po nedostatok sladkostí na raute. Divadlo pre mládež ma baví svojou inovatívnosťou a témami, ktoré často provokujú a prinášajú dôležité podnety. Môj prvý kontakt s divadlom bol číra náhoda – namiesto hodiny tanca na ZUŠ-ke som sa omylom ocitla na hodine herectva. Odvtedy neviem dať umeniu pokoj...

Jakub Molnár ~ dramaturg



Ako dramaturg festivalu sa starám o to, aby ste boli užasnutí, znepokojení, pobúrení, uspokojení a nasýtení intelektuálne i emočne. Skrátka, pomáham skladať hlavný aj sprievodný program a to tak, aby dával hlavu aj pätu. Môj postoj k divadlu pre mládež by sa dal klasifikovať ako vzťah staršieho súrodenca k mladšiemu: mám ho rád aj vtedy, keď mi obleje môj nový počítač pomarančovým džúsom. Odchovaný ochotníckymi súbormi na rôznych ZUŠ-kách sa neustále pokúšam urputne brániť vnútorné dieťa.

Juraj Bombala~ technický riaditeľ




Tajným hrdinom každého festivalu je technický riaditeľ. Ten, kto v jednej ruke drží kúsok kúzla a technológie a v druhej zasa pohár kávy na prežitie. Môj prvý kontakt s divadlom sa odohral v hlbokej jame, presnejšie v orchestrisku, kde som ako hráč na trubke účinkoval s mládežníckym orchestrom. Divadlo pre mládež považujem za magický portál do sveta fantázie a dobrodružstva.

Alena Predáčová ~ content creator


Na festivale budem na okamih vašimi očami a zdieľať s vami najzaujímavejšie momentky na sociálnych sieťach. A aby ste nezmeškali všetky parádne veci, ktoré môžete zažiť a vyskúšať počas festivalových dní, postarám sa o pridávanie čerstvých noviniek na web a siete. Vy nás ešte nesledujete? To sa ani nepriznávajte! Od malička je mojou vášňou čítanie. Od toho je už malý krôčik k túžbe vidieť dané príbehy ožívať na javisku. Moja láska k divadlu však začala až počas vysokej školy. Divadelný svet si ma ale predsa našiel. V príbehoch postáv vyhľadávam odpovede i riešenia na problémy a situácie, do ktorých sa dostávam aj ja.

Zuzana Havranová ~ creative designer

I’m an express creator of assignments of various scopes in the department of space and textile for the festival. Apart from that, I’m the head of the Manufacturing Workshops of Ján Palárik’s Theatre, set and costume designer with an open mind for creating anything theatrical from inception to realization. Most often, I find myself answering the question: ,,Zuzi, can we make this or that?”. Theatre should belong to the young. Without them, it simply won’t work. Theatre has captivated me fatefully three times – when I was six, fourteen and eighteen years old. I grew up at Theatrical Nitra festival, where I – as a proud teenage volunteer – saw everything that was different, new, European, global to me. Since then, I’m hopelessly charmed by the world of theatre.

Barbora Martišková ~ offline marketing

My team role is to convert all the extraordinary things that are born behind the walls of the theatre onto a normal sheet of paper, which can attract your attention and awaken your interest. I focus on offline marketing, so my work won’t jump at you while scrolling social media, it will inconspicuously keep waiting for you at the most usual of places. I find theatre for youth quite fascinating, it reminds me of paper I work with at the beginning – clean, blank, malleable, fragile and valuable, yet despite its fragility being able to carry the burden of words, it’s unable to withstand the surrounding environment and its effects. I consider the chance to create a space for young people as a rare opportunity, because I myself have acted in a children theatre ensemble, which sparked my enthusiasm for theatre so much, I carry it to this day.

Save the date 22. — 26. jún 2024, Trnava
Save the date 22. — 26. jún 2024, Trnava

Kontakt TTF
Ivica Franeková - výkonná riaditeľka
Adriána Lizoňová – produkcia